Бити у вези на даљину може бити прилично изазовно. Немате привилегију редовног секса са својим партнером, што је кључни састојак здраве везе.
Међутим, није све изгубљено. Вибратори играју кључну улогу у сексуалном задовољству, омогућавајући вам да доживите снажне оргазме када се правилно користе. У случају да сте у вези на даљину и забринути сте за свој сексуални живот, имамо нешто за вас.
Погледаћемо неке од најбољих вибратора за везу на даљину које можете редовно користити. Спровели смо интензивно истраживање и дошли до пет невероватних производа на основу повратних информација потрошача и неколико фактора. Погледај!
Ловенсе Лусх 2
Овај фантастични производ из Ловенсе-а један је од најбољих вибратора које можете себи поклонити. То је играчка коју контролише апликација и која се активира звуком за парове на блиским и великим удаљеностима. Дизајниран је када је Ловенсе одлучио да надогради своју оригиналну Лусх верзију, која је имала проблема са Блуетоотх везом. Пре него што уђемо дубље у карактеристике, имајте на уму да је Ловенсе била прва компанија која је производила интернет контролисане или паметне вибраторе.
Једна од битних карактеристика које морате узети у обзир код вибратора је тип тела и издржљивост. Драго нам је што можемо известити да Лусх 2 има мекану силиконску конструкцију безбедну за тело која је веома издржљива и лака за чишћење. Ако желите још више да продужите животни век ове играчке, препоручљиво је да користите лубрикант на бази воде уместо многих мазива на бази силикона доступних на тржишту.
Текстура играчке је такође нешто за шта треба умрети. Лусх 2 има глатку површину са равним ивицама, што га чини погодним и за почетнике и за искусне кориснике. Има конусну главу која олакшава уметање у вагиналну шупљину под условом да нанесете лубрикант. Увек можете бити сигурни да ће ова играчка грациозно лежати на тачки г када је правилно уметнута.
Ова играчка се лако може дезинфиковати захваљујући свом силиконском телу. Такође је потпуно водоотпоран, што га чини погодним за мазива на бази воде. Још једна битна карактеристика коју треба да приметите је бежично функционисање ове играчке. Све што треба да урадите је да преузмете апликацију Ловенсе Ремоте , која је бесплатна у Апп Сторе-у, и синхронизујете играчку. Морате да креирате налог, укључите Блуетоотх конекцију и затим држите притиснуто дугме стратешки на крају антена.
Апликација има поставку за велике удаљености, коју морате да повежете са својим партнером. Можете позвати другу страну да се игра са вама, под условом да има удаљену апликацију. Они могу контролисати Лусх и довести до оргазма до заборава. Апликација Ловенсе такође има једноставан кориснички интерфејс, што олакшава навигацију. Ваш партнер може лако да контролише вашу бујност како би вам помогао да испуните све ваше жеље и сексуалне фантазије. Ова апликација је такође компатибилна са неколико уређаја.
Лусх 2 се може користити у јавним окружењима због свог супер тихог рада, који је додатно побољшан његовим малим дизајном и суженом главом. Лако се може наслонити на вашу г-тачку и удобно стати у ваше гаће како би вам помогао да доживите снажне оргазме сваки пут. Тихи рад и даље важи чак и када се користи ван тела.
Долази са УСБ каблом за пуњење у случају да остане без струје. Такође постоји неколико подешавања вибрације за појачавање сексуалне стимулације.
- Омогућава вам да сачувате до десет шаблона вибрација.
- Направљен је од издржљивог силикона безбедног за тело.
- Може се контролисати на даљину.
- Можете лако да синхронизујете играчку са својом музиком.
- Издржљив је и има једноставан дизајн.
- Захтева подмазивање.
- Нажалост, не може се користити анално.
- Играчка не долази са торбом за складиштење.
Охмибод Еска 2
иЕсца 2 вибратор је још једна одлична опција за парове на даљину. Баш као и Лусх 2, може се користити и за соло и за парове на даљину. Овај производ је изузетна секс играчка која се лако носи. То га чини једним од најпогоднијих вибратора у целом универзуму. Има много функција које ће вам бити од помоћи.
First, it has a discreet operation, making it convenient for different environments. You can comfortably wear your toy and go about your daily activities without drawing too much attention. Another essential feature is its Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity. You will use Bluetooth for proximity fun and WiFi for long-distance connections. You will need the OhMiBod Remote app and the FeelConnect app for Bluetooth connections.
Your distant partner can control your orgasms through the long-distance connection, which is necessary apart from the occasional erotic photos or videos. There are many options that your partner can exhaust to create new patterns to make your sessions even more enjoyable.
The toy also has a single multipurpose button, making it simple to use by saving you the stress of several controls. You can quickly select your desired rhythms and vibration patterns whenever you are in the mood.
Let’s talk about the body. This product is made of body-safe silicone-based ABS plastic that is pretty soft. Its fantastic design helps it rest on both your g-spot and clit, giving you the best stimulation ever. You will also learn about the rhythmic vibrations thanks to this toy’s interactive LED light found on the tapered head.
Esca 2 has a reinforced tail, which gives it a flexible curve. The rear also ensures that the toy stays in contact with your erotic nether regions. Lastly, it strengthens the device’s Bluetooth connection to up to 25 ft. This toy has a quiet, powerful motor in place to transfer vibrations to the clit and g-spot simultaneously. The package comes with The Esca 2 device, a storage pouch (which distinguishes it for the Lush 2), a USB charging cable, a user manual, and a certificate, which proves that it is authentic.
Keep in mind that the device must always be full before your first usage. You can then download and install the OhmiBod remote app or the FeelConnect app, which shouldn’t take long. There is an On button at the head of the toy that you need to press for about four seconds until it starts blinking.
The device is ever on Bluetooth mode and will easily connect to your Bluetooth devices. To connect with your partner, just send an invitation for long-distance fun and then jump to the seventh step, which will permit your partner to select the patterns for you. You can also switch to the manual mode if you want a personal control of the toy.
- It is easy to use.
- It has a quiet operation.
- It is easy to clean
- A full charge guarantees you up to three hours of play.
- It has a satin pouch, which makes it portable.
- Both modes provide diverse, vibrating rhythms.
- The single button is quite disadvantageous in manual mode.
- It is not fully waterproof (which is a significant disadvantage compared to an option such as Lush 2)
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Vibease is a remote-controlled vibrator that can be effectively used by long-distance couples. It is easily wearable, making it one of the most convenient vibrators of all time. It offers both manual and app-controlled operation. To connect with a partner miles away, users must install an app, which then gives them control over the vibrator’s operation. You will first need to connect the device to the phone via Bluetooth and then use a wireless connection to link to the partner’s device.
It has a pretty design, which makes it both functional and aesthetically pleasing. It is small, curved, and comes in either pink or purple. This toy can easily be worn inside your panties, stimulating the clit to help you orgasm fast. The body is made of soft, clinically proven silicone, which resembles live skin. The device also has a super quiet operation, which makes it discreet for private stimulation. You can easily use it in a room without drawing too much attention.
You can even have your device on and your colleagues won’t know. However, this does not mean that it is super silent. The device still produces some noise, just that it is so tiny that others cannot decipher. Its users also get a database of fantasy stories that they can listen to as they work on the orgasm. It is possible to sync the device to audio devices, which is a vital feature. Imagine climaxing while listening to a fantastic fantasy story.
These fantasy stories also work for people who want a solo act. You can easily immerse yourself into the fantasies and fulfill your needs in no minute. How amazing can a device be? Fortunately, the Vibease vibrator is not as complicated as you may think. It has two buttons, unlike the Esca 2. The first one is the power button, which you will use to turn your device on or off.
The second button is the most important, which helps you choose between the vibration modes. However, since this device is wearable, you don’t have to go through all that pain. You can easily slip in your toy and control it via an app. Lastly, there is a Vibease Chat app that you can use to connect to your partner. This app can be downloaded from your phone, after which you will create a profile and choose your photo. In case you are worried about your privacy, remember other users are barred from pairing with you.
- It has a fantastic design
- It has a quiet operation
- It comes with several erotic stories that you can listen to as your orgasm
- The device can give you a hard time if you decide to walk around with it.
- Unfortunately, the app can choose to misbehave at the wrong time.
Kiiroo Pearl 2
Kiiroo is a big player in the sex toys industry. One of its products is the Pearl, which is a fantastic vibrator for individuals in long distance relationships. Just like other Kiiroo products, this vibrator has a unique look and feel. It targets the g-spot, which is one of the most sensitive regions in a woman. It is made of body-safe silicone and has a small button at the bottom, which can be used for manual control. It’s simple design also makes it easy to clean after usage.
The toy is about eight inches long and 4.5 inches wide with a solid built. It can be inserted easily, making you feel full as if you were participating in real sex. It has a charging port at the bottom of the device. This toy has a simple operation that helps it tower over other options. You can quickly turn it on by pressing the power button, which is strategically placed. The device produces blue light, signifying its ready Bluetooth mode.
You can then take control of the device and then choose any of the seven preset vibration patterns. You will either get vibrations, pulses, or a combination of the two. The device also has a lithium battery, which will serve you for an hour. It comes with a USB charger that can be plugged into a wall charger to save on time.
This device can also be paired with other toys manufactured by the parent company. This means that sensations can be transferred from device to device such as the Kiiroo Onyx 2 and the Fleshlight Launch.
- The device can be paired with other toys of the same manufacturer, a bid that also targets same-sex couples.
- It has simple operation
- It has a wide built that will leave you feeling all full.
- It has a unique design.
- Pearl 2 has poor battery retention. A full charge will only serve you for an hour.
- It does not have the prettiest of designs.
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Lovense Nora
Our last product is Nora Rabbit, which is another excellent option from Lovense. This toy has an innovative design that makes it highly functional, reaching both the clitoris and the g-spot. Most importantly, it works well for distant couples. It has super incredible features that users find useful. It is app-controlled through the Lovense Remote app, which serves both solo and couple play. You will easily give up control of the device to your partner by sharing via Bluetooth.
This device has endless vibrations and play possibilities, a feature that makes it better than many options. The app has an excellent user interface that makes it easy to navigate. You can easily pair your device to other Lovense sex toys and vibrators. You also get a sound setting that helps you control the sound and intensity of the vibrations. How lucky can you get?
The toy is made of body-safe silicone, which is a significant advantage. It also has a smooth, soft texture that feels like flesh. You can easily clean your toy using a washcloth or a toy cleaner. However, look out for the control buttons while cleaning. The toy also has intense vibrations and unique design. This device can also be paired with the Max 2 and other Lovense toys to help long distance couples fulfill their sexual desires.
Users enjoy Bluetooth enabled long distance play with a variety of toys. You can easily connect with your partner via the app and enjoy intense orgasms regardless of their geographical position. It is effortless to set up the Lovense application, which will get you connected in no minute. However, keep in mind that this device is not suited for public play.
- It has a unique and optimized design
- It can be remotely controlled via an app.
- Users can easily link to other Lovesense devices.
- It is smooth and soft.
- You have to use water-based lubricants with this device.
- The rotation can be quite scary.
The 3 main criteria for choosing the best vibrators for long distance relationships
You should settle for a toy that allows you to connect easily with your partner. It would be quite unfortunate if your connection ended abruptly when you are just about to climax.
Battery life
You should settle for a device that can serve you much longer, for example, three hours. You don’t want to keep on charging after every short duration.
Конструкција вашег уређаја диктира његову функционалност и издржљивост. Играчку треба направити тако да може лако доћи до клиториса и г-тачке. Такође мора бити издржљив и гладак.
Од свих пет опција, препоручујемо Ловенсе Лусх 2 ако тражите најбољи вибратор на велике удаљености.
Омогућава вам да се лако повежете са својим партнером преко подешавања велике удаљености у апликацији Ловенсе и уживате у интензивним вибрацијама, што доводи до оргазама. Такође се можете радовати непрекидним везама кад год желите да се ваше жеље испуне са овом играчком.
Међутим, за интензивне оргазме, Вибеасе секс играчка би вам добро послужила. Све у свему, никада не можете погрешити са Ловенсе Лусх 2.